The firm can handle any family law matter you need addressed. Areas of specialty include:
Deciding to dissolve a marriage is a difficult and emotional decision. Once it is made, you need someone who is both compassionate regarding family dynamics, and effective at protecting your legal rights.
Child Custody/Parenting Time
The standard for any matter involving children is very clear cut. It is always what is in the best interest of a child. Interpreting and determining a child’s best interest are not always as clear cut. There are many factors that go into making this determination. Mandi Philpott is dedicated to zealously representing her clients in these matters without putting the children in the middle of the dispute.
Child Support Modifications /
Criminal Nonsupport Matters
Mandi handled aspects of criminal non support as well as working with the division that handles child support modifications. There are guidelines in all states, including Oregon, for child support amounts and when and how the amounts may be changed. These guidelines take into account various factors. Mandi Philpott can assist you in achieving the best possible result.
These proceedings are incredibly important, because once paternity has been established, custody and child support issues follow. Mandi Philpott has been involved in paternity proceedings through her experience with the juvenile court system and can advise you in the best way to proceed and guide you through some of the complexities of the law in this area.
Restraining Orders
These are issued under the Family Abuse and Prevention Act (FAPA.) Whether you wish to initiate a restraining order or have had a restraining order served upon you, there are timelines and other guidelines which must be followed. Mandi is very familiar with these matters, as they are commonly part of certain types of criminal cases she has handled for years.
Adoptions or Guardianships /
Termination of Parental Rights
Generally, adoption requires either consent by the birth parents or a termination of the birth parents’ rights to the children. This area of law is complex and consultation with a lawyer experienced in this area of law is vital. Mandi Philpott has handled cases of this complexity and is knowledgeable in this aspect of the law.